Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, October 16

Hey I did something different today. Not the breakfast, that was the same. But then I drove the truck to the GM dealership and left it there, and walked the rest of the way into town (about half an hour). Made the mocha there. Can't do without that! Thankfully the truck cooperated fine on the trip in. The parts hadn't arrived yet (gotta love small town life, really) but they're still hoping to have it back to us by Friday.

Hubby came home from night shifts and went on home to sleep. I'm used to going home for lunch on those days but...I had no vehicle. So I picked up a personal size BBQ chicken pizza, and later had a piece of chocolate. Hubby picked me up at 5 and I came home to deal with the remaining leftovers from last week's turkey dinner. I made a kind of turkey stew with the leftover meat (about 2 cups), the remaining rice stuffing (maybe 3/4 cup), the last of the gravy (maybe 1/4 cup), a can of chicken broth, onions, mushrooms, peas, and carrots. Thickened with milk and cornstarch. It was reasonably good, and best of all there are 2 dishes of leftovers (again!) to send to work with Jim. We also had a salad of fresh garden tomatoes and cucumbers.

FlyLady is in the bathroom this week. I did two zone missions by cleaning the garbage can and washing down the base of the toilet and the floor around it. The kitchen is also clean already, but I have a few other things to do yet in my evening routine. We've had a banana milkshake which helps with the sweet cravings at very few calories.

As for the Ba Gua, I'm guessing I won't go back. Not truly because of the Eastern meditation thing so much as that my shoulders and upper back are quite sore, but I don't feel it lower in the abs. That seems like a waste of effort. If I'm going to activate pain in my upper back, I need something positive to show for it as well--a cardio workout or something. There was nothing of that sort, so it doesn't meet my needs at this time. I sure wish they offered that ball class twice a week. I guess I'll have to learn to do some of those moves myself at home about half a week away from Friday noon!

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