Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday, September 5

I'm not quite done the day's work but had a few things to do online and don't want to pop back later. So here goes.

Breakfast: soaked oats, cherries and peaches, vanilla yogurt, mocha. Went to Curves and weighed in at 146. Went to work. Snacked on a handful of pistachios.

During my lunch hour I ran errands: renewed the car insurance (with a few days to spare!!), picked up a library book, got vitamins. I'd brought taco salad for my lunch (ground beef/ black bean mixture, greens, tomato, bit of cheddar, and ranch dressing). Followed that with a container of green peas and then grapes. Later a couple squares of dark chocolate.

When I got home I mowed the lawn which has probably needed it for the last week. Well, it's done now. About half of it is dry and therefore not growing and therefore not in need of cutting, but the other side seems to not mind a good drought. And the area around the garden got regular water up until a couple weeks ago. Then I reheated that last bowl of baked beans for supper and will make myself a banana milkshake shortly. Finally have some bananas ripe enough again!

FlyLady. Today she wants me to stomp out hot spots in the entryway. Little does she know I extinguished a forest fire on the weekend and I'm not up to more in there yet. Unless it counts that I gave my sis-in-law a box of random hot tub chemicals and paraphernalia that had been sitting in the way for (cough) probably five months now. (We quit using our hot tub three years ago when all the kids left home.) Of course, we still need to remove it, but we aren't having a yard zone week so I'm still good on that. At any rate, I'm no longer dodging that box every time I go through the entryway.

The decorating mission for the week is about creating a Launch Pad in the entryway. I think she means more than keeping my workout bag on top of the washing machine. As we prepare to renovate that room--some day, in my dreams--I've been giving some thought to the Launch Pad and to the electronic stuff that seems to need a home as well, with access to electricity for charging.

I'd like to buy one or two of these storage cabinets and paint them up fun. (Ikea used to make a block of six drawers a bit smaller than these; I currently own three sets of them. Two live in my bathroom above the toilet for all the random things that would go in drawers if I had any, and one is hubby's for craft stuff. But they don't make them anymore.) So the plan would be to mount these on the wall on a board that would stick out on the bottom and have hooks on it for stuff like my purse or keys. And just above it I would like to mount a bar of plug-ins. You can get ones for shops or kitchens that are tidier than the power bars we use for computers.

So the deal would be that each little drawer would have a purpose. The cords and keyboard and info etc for my Palm Tungsten would live in one drawer. When it needs charging it can be done right there, in the drawer. A drawer for my cell phone, a drawer for hubby's. Again, charge them right there and they're ready to go. A drawer for the camera and its charger and spare cards. A drawer for just batteries of all sizes. Maybe a drawer for sunglasses.

Any ideas? What would YOU put in drawers like that? Each drawer is about 5" wide by 6" tall by 7" deep. Ish.

And now I must go clean my kitchen and start my evening routine.

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