Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23

I'm not that fond of getting up at 6:30 on a Sunday morning, but I did so (after quite a decent night's sleep). Walked to the end of the road and back, quick shower, brekkie of 2 pieces whole grain toast with margarine and cheddar, and headed to the church for an 8 am worship team practice. I run the sound board once in awhile. The team had it mostly set up; I just did some finetuning and ran over the order of service with them.

Came home about 9:30, got hubby rolling, and had my mocha before heading back to the church for the 11 am service. After last week's little fiasco with my back, we took the car obus seat in with us. Even so, an hour and a half was a hard slog. I stand up at the sound board during singing and managed that part okay. I sat for part of the sermon, but then walked around the library for awhile and listened from there.

Our friends invited us over for lunch and I said so long as I can lie down for a bit first, I'll be fine. So we swung past our house and got the mega heating pad and went back to their place where I laid down in the living room and talked to their son, my good buddy who is in grade twelve this year. Lunch was hamburgers. I had two, with buns, because...that's what there was. Apple crisp for dessert. We visited for awhile longer before going home, where I promptly spread back out on the floor.

Later hubby and I walked to the end of the road and then fixed ourselves a chef salad for supper. Had a need for something veggie heavy! Banana milkshake later. I finished reading HP7 and got the basic evening routine done before heading for bed.

I see this week's FlyLady zone is the master bedroom and that the zone missions will encourage me to dig a little deeper than simply surface cleaning. A good thing, I think. Most of our library lives in our bedroom. I wonder if there's any way to get hubby to let go of some of his books that he will never re-read? I've already started setting aside some of mine...


Karenee said...

Aaaah! Heresy!

Save the books.

{{{hug}}} Love ya...

Oh, and if you think I might like a book or few, let me know and I'll pay for shipping it to me.

Valerie Comer said...


First of all, that was all quite hypothetical. And in your uncle's eyes, also heretical.

I'm assuming any books he *might* (hypothetically) be willing to part with, neither you nor I would be fighting for.

Unless you want the entire (I think) set of Anne McCaffery's Acorna books. That's something *I* am getting rid of.

Karenee said...

Erm... I read the first one and thought that she'd passed her readability stage with that set. If you think I'd like them I'll give it another try, though.

Valerie Comer said...

LOL, you notice that I am willing to part with them. So that may answer your question.