Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12

Okay, after thinking things through I've decided to keep with Curves, at least for now, so up I got at 6:45. I felt like a hot breakfast today so I made porridge with a diced apple in it. Had that over a sliced banana with vanilla yogurt and off to the gym. Weighed in at 146#. I worked a bit harder than on Monday but not up to my usual. Then off to the shop to settle down with my mocha. Had two brief sessions on the exercise ball today.

Jim was home at lunch so I made salmon pasta salad with celery, corn, and broccoli added. And I took peas and grapes along for snack (also had a handful of pistachios and 2 pieces dark chocolate). Today I tried to remember to take Entrophen whether or not I needed it...well I succeeded morning and noon but forgot at supper. It's hard on an empty-ish stomach so will now wait til bedtime snack.

I stopped at the farmer's market for a few peaches after work, then came home and went for a walk (35 minutes). Even trying not to swing my arms too much I still kinda hurt across the shoulders. Don't ask why that didn't remind me to take my drugs. I have no idea. :P Then I lay on my back on the floor for twenty minutes pretending to watch tv. When you have progressive lenses it's not like you can actually WATCH from that angle.

For supper I thawed two mini-meatloaves, and also had a large tossed salad and two slices of whole-grain toast with margarine and light cheddar. I tried to push my menu planning a few more days into the future--have I told you how much I hate planning menus? I'm good for a few more days now and have most of Friday's grocery list put together.

At that juncture I'd done the dishes and decided to do the FlyLady mission for the day. I opened my fridge, looked inside, freaked out, and set the timer for 15 minutes. No way was the whole thing going to get done. Actually all I got done was the door! I discovered THREE Oriental/ Thai sauce/ marinade thingies that I apparently don't use. None of them are old enough to toss in the garbage (I make my own rules for that) so I phoned a friend who has two teenage boys and an out-of-work (ill) husband and she thought they sounded great. So I did put them back in the fridge and will get them to her soon. While I had the door emptied I washed all the little shelves and that took a bit of time cause there were crusties. Last time I cleaned out my fridge I didn't bother with the door so I don't feel too bad at tonight's half mission!

Still to come: a bedtime snack (thinking banana shake) and another back stretch. And muscle relaxers! :P

By the way, what's with putting the toilet paper roll on a certain way being a sign of perfectionism? Anyone who goes to the bathroom as many times a night as I do appreciates not having to open their eyes and turn on the light to know which angle to smack the roll to make it dispense.

I rest my case.


Wendy said...

I hate menu planning, too. It's largely a wasted effort for me because I take the time to do it, print and post it on the fridge, and then I don't want what's scheduled for the day! I did it, though, because the worst part of cooking for me is figuring out what to cook, day after day after day.

I'm taking a different approach now. On Sunday (or Monday) I go to the freezer and take out whatever cuts of meat I put my hands on, usually the three on the top. I put them in the bottom drawer of my fridge to thaw. When it's time to start dinner, I poke them, and whatever is the most thawed gets cooked. So far it's working. People are getting fed, and I haven't had anything spoil yet, unlike the veggie drawer.

Valerie Comer said...

LOL, that first paragraph is me EXACTLY, EJ! What good is the menu if I wander away from it as soon as it is made?

However I think I need a list of *staple* meals--things I could usually make out of ground beef, for example (being as we're on the farm), and just make sure the ingredients are always around.

Just letting random cuts thaw in the fridge. Hm. I'll think on that.

Karenee said...

LOL I like your plan, Aunt Val. Random menus whose ingredients you keep on hand sounds good. I've got a mood-menu hubby, so that idea might work better.

I'm sorry you're in pain. Hopefully the meds keep things tolerable. Loveth you.