Sunday, September 09, 2007

Friday-Sunday, September 7-9

A whole weekend has gone by once again. Friday morning I had the usual breakfast and went to Curves before work. I got off for the day at noon fully intending to go grocery shopping on my way home but the power was out at the grocery store, though they did accept responsibility for my horrid peaches and give me a refund.

Came home, hubby was out in the field cutting hay so I did what FlyLady calls a room rescue. More like a little blitz of the main living areas! When hubby came in we had lunch and headed out to see our daughter and son-in-law in their new home. I'd been really wavering the past few days arthritis-wise and sitting in the car for an hour and a half nearly did me in. We got there and visited a bit but I just hurt too much to sit so Jim and I went for a walk in their new neighborhood while the kids put the finishing touches on dinner. One of our favorite things is walking back alleys and they have some neat ones there and we got some cool ideas for our garden and yard. Came back, had spinach lasagna, garlicked spaghetti squash, and garlic toast (my girl is a really good cook!). She came home with us for the weekend.

Saturday morning I made raspberry whole-grain pancakes for the three of us before Hanna and I went into town to pick up the groceries I still needed. We made a really delicious Thai style pumpkin/ shrimp soup for lunch. We had a good visit and went for a walk--again, not a brisk walk but a stretching the muscles one. For supper we had steak, corn-on-the-cob, green beans, and a zucchini stir-fry.

In the evening we went out to Jim's sister's house for a family get-together. Jim's younger brother and his girlfriend and their 10-day old baby girl were out from Calgary and we had a family baby shower. Hanna and I had brought veggies and dip but I also had a couple of pieces of lemon bundt cake...too good. We came home early and I went to bed shortly after. Just sore.

Sunday morning Hanna caught a ride home with Jim's other sister whose kid had a football game over there today. Before she left we had peaches with Fiber One and vanilla yogurt. Jim had some things to do with his brother and then spent a few hours raking the hay he cut the other day. Meanwhile I sat in my wonderful recliner with a few recipe books trying to make a menu AGAIN and specifically looking for crock pot recipes. I made a basic cheese pizza for lunch with whole-grain crust. I hadn't made that recipe for years and it is so easy and tasty. We had a big salad with it. Banana milkshake for snack.

At supper we baked a turkey hindquarter as a pot roast with yams, carrots, parsnips and onions. After Jim headed back to his apartment (day shift starts again tomorrow) I dragged my energy together and did my weekly *house blessing*--watered plants, wiped mirrors, vacuumed the main floor, and washed the kitchen floor. Right now the last load of laundry is in the dryer and I have clean sheets on the bed. The kitchen counter is clean.

Most of my evening routine is done but I haven't decided yet if tomorrow is a Curves day. I'm still plenty sore but to some degree I feel in a *use it or lose it* mode. I have a doctor's appointment made for Tuesday morning. I'll be headed to bed early tonight as well. Sitting is such a pain. I've added back stretches to my evening routine so I won't forget.

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