Not having been shopping yet for more peaches, I had a chopped apple with my soaked oats and vanilla yogurt, and took my mocha to work. It didn't take long for my back to start biting me. My desk chair there is one I paid twenty bucks for three or four years ago. I experimented with putting my keyboard up on a box so I could stand at the desk. That kinda works. I also wandered around the store and did some light housekeeping.
For my lunch I had taken the last two pieces of cheese pizza from yesterday, along with peas and grapes. Later I had two wasa crackers with salmon cream cheese...and some dark chocolate.
At lunch hour I went over to Curves and tested out my range. I didn't have much, and even working up to a full cardio (keeping my arms still) didn't really work. Quit the workout early and spent extra time stretching. Then I went over to a medical supply shop around the corner from where I work and borrowed an exercise ball to try out as a chair for the afternoon. I can see it would really help align my back but I couldn't handle it for more than about 20 minutes at a go. Did a few stints with it and took it back. Need to think on it.
So I came home and decided to start my evening with the FlyLady zone mission: cleaning the outside of the fridge. I took everything off of it and used Fantastic spray on the top, front and sides. Currently the top has a couple of serving platters living on it (turned upside down to keep them clean!) The fridge handles in particular really needed a concentrated cleaning; it's funny because I noticed them just a few days ago! They're still not as white as the rest of the surface but I have a hunch they'll never get there again.
I have to say that a big white fridge looks like we're moving or something so I was happy to put some photos back on it. I have magnetic frames. I really sorted the photos though and put many away, leaving just the most current and printed out a couple new ones! The only other things are the white board and library printouts. Gotta have those up there too. So now it still looks like my house but there's less than half the stuff on it there was earlier. And it's clean. Go me.
I took a container of chili out of the freezer for supper and had it with carrot sticks, a tossed salad and one slice of whole-grain toast. Later I had a banana milkshake.
Two years ago when I had the major arthritic flare Jim bought me a recliner to fit my body frame. I've been using it a lot lately. Tonight I started reading *Hood* by Stephen Lawhead. It's nice to have a chair that supports in all the right places. I've taken a break to clean the kitchen and do my prep for tomorrow. I see the back stretches on my evening routine, so next I'll read lying on my back against the floor and my feet up on the couch seat, just like a teenager talking on the phone!
1 comment:
Hard to imagine it takes a back pain to make you feel young again!
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