Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 11

Today I had my breakfast of soaked oats, apple, and vanilla yogurt and prepared myself for my doctor's appointment at 9:10. I'd made a bit of a list of the things I wanted to talk to him about in two main categories: the weight gain/ menopausal issue and the degenerative disc pain and treatment. I do like my doctor quite a lot, I must say. He chided me that my piece of paper wasn't quite big enough for all the diagrams he wanted to draw. He ordered bloodwork done to determine if the thyroid is playing a part in the weight issues. Other than that, we mostly discussed pain management. I'm a little chastised and encouraged all in one go.

At my lunch hour I went for a walk to the library and made a couple of other stops as well. I'd brought Thai shrimp soup for lunch, also some chicken breast, peas, and grapes. I bought an exercise ball and tried sitting on it a bit in the afternoon. That is going to take some getting used to. Awhile back Jim bought an Obus seat for in the car but found he preferred to use the base without the backrest. So today I took the backrest to try to use with my current desk chair. It does help, but there is nothing to hold it in place. Still, I'll use it for a few days as best I can.

Came home and spent 15 minutes lying on the floor, resting. Then I got up and made supper (farmer sausage, onion, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini and tomatoes). While it was cooking I did the FlyLady mission and sorted out my container drawer. I'm mostly using cheapie stacking containers these days--we use a lot of them cause hubby takes them to and from work and so do I, also I freeze leftovers in them. So I put the other containers in a box in the porch (yeah, I know!) because I'm not sure yet that I don't need them. We'll see if I get them out again or not. Some of them are good Tupperware ones and I imagine they'll land up in the camper and the others may get tossed yet. We'll see. Everything that fit nicely in the drawer, easy to find, I put back.

I finished reading Hood by Stephen Lawhead and then had a large tossed salad before cleaning up the kitchen. I just have another floor session to go while waiting for hubby to arrive home on his 24-hour split.

My doctor said the simplest rule of thumb for diet is, if it tastes good, don't eat any. Yeah, I need his advice all right. Sigh.


Karenee said...

LOL I'm so glad I had my farmer's sausage fix when Mom came through or I'd be jealous about now.

Heh on the diet recommendations. So much for eating those peaches! *grin*

Valerie Comer said...

Well, if you came and visited me oftener, I could supply you with sausage too.

Jean said...

A doctor with a sense of humor. Just what you need.

Valerie Comer said...

Yep! :P