Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tuesday, September 4

When I first woke up I felt the most pain-free I've felt in weeks. That changed once I started moving, of course, and by noon I was hunting pain meds again but it was still a nice little interlude. I slept fairly well in between waking up. Really, that does make sense, sadly.

Had soaked oats, peaches and cherries, vanilla yogurt for breakfast and went to Curves. 146#. Had my mocha at work. Came home at noon and had baked beans with one slice of whole grain toast with hubby before he headed back to work. I took peas and grapes for afternoon snack.

At home I had a large salad, then sauted up two farmer sausages with onions, garlic, mushrooms and zucchini, which was pretty good with a bit of fresh parmesan grated on top.

I started canning peaches but it was frustrating. They look ripe but I guess they're not--quite. I'll leave the rest for a couple more days. So far I canned 7 pints with Splenda and 7 with sugar. I have no idea if the Splenda ones will work or taste like chemicals. If they're wasted, well, it was about seven bucks down the tube on them. And I'll know for next time!

There was no time for FlyLady missions today. Let's see: tidying up coats, shoes and stuff from the entryway. Heh. Been there done that. I've decided that my front-loading washer may make a good staging area for the stuff that goes back and forth with me: purse, workout gear, etc. I can't leave anything on it permanently cause it jiggles around on the spin cycle, but this could work. We shall see.

As far as the evening routine goes: breakfast and mocha are prepped, lunch is prepped (tomorrow is a bag lunch day, the only one this week), papers for errands over lunch hour are set out (on the washing machine with my purse!), the kitchen is clean (as clean as it can be with a canner and jars still cooling) and my workout bag is prepped. Just a shower (to try to turn off my internal furnace before bed) and I'm good to go.

I've been thinking about menu planning. Which is a step in the right direction, really. I baked a ham a few days ago. That made 4 ham dinner servings (hubby and I had it for dinner and I sent 2 containers to work with him), 6 ham sandwiches, 8 bowls of clam chowder, and 6 bowls of baked beans. And the scraps made the outside cats happy! So...hubby works 8 day rotations. Maybe I should try to come up with other sequences besides the ham one, which I'd like to do more often now its fall, and rotate them. Fall and winter ones could rotate end on end with minor variations. Spring and summer are when the fresh produce is on and often dictates dinner.

Heh. I can get a fair bit of mileage out of a rotisserie chicken too!

What's your best deal for multi meals out of one basic one? Does anyone *plan* to cook this way regularly?


Jean said...

Actually, I cook one day on the weekend and save the leftovers for dinner throughout the week.

Sometimes I'll take one of the leftovers for lunch and nuke them up. Three minutes in the nuker, and dinner's ready.

This will be tougher when I'm living with hubby, but when I'm cooking for one, it works great.

Valerie Comer said...

But then you'll be retired, right? And *everybody* knows retired folk have nothing to do. :P

Do you make a lot of one kind of meal, or do you make a couple servings of several meals?

Jean said...

I'm pretty boring. I usually make one item. At most, I make two.

Valerie Comer said...

Heh, it isn't boring if you love what you make!

Jean said...

Tonight I cooked two steaks (ate one for dinner and stashed the other one in the fridge for another meal) and made a batch of beef and lentil stew for the fridge.