Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday, September 13

I went for a 30 minute walk first thing in the morning, then had a breakfast of soaked oats, a diced peach and vanilla yogurt. I took mocha to work. Mid-way through the morning I began having spasms across the middle of my back, not steady, but often enough to be annoying. And when you're tense--waiting for a spasm, for example--they come oftener. Who knew?

I had a piece of chicken with the second round of Entrophen about 11:30, then at noon debated what to do with my hour. Finally I decided to drive home and lie down on the floor and give my back a rest. I set the timer for 30 minutes, the tv to the nature music channel, and did my best to relax. Went back to the shop, had my black bean soup, peas, and grapes and the spasms started up again. Finally at 3:30 (and the next round of drugs) I went and bought myself a new (large!) heating pad and came back home. I spent the first 20 minutes lying on the floor while trying to remember where I had an extension cord, and how I would arrange things.

My new heating pad has a dead-man switch--you have to hold the switch down or it goes off. Yes, a person could elastic band the switch down, but honestly it gets too hot anyway. I watched some tv from my recliner while heating my back and thinking about the next phase: supper. Eventually I rousted myself long enough to make a stir-fry (beef, onion, mushroom, garlic, ginger, carrot, broccoli) with a homemade sauce (even though I haven't actually given away the ones from yesterday yet--I like mine better!) and watched some more tv. HGTV and Reno Thursdays--not that exciting, but beats back to back real estate shows.

When Jim insisted on getting me the recliner two years ago I thought he was crazy. Turns out it is the only place I can sit these days that doesn't tweak the back. Otherwise I am standing or lying down (or wishing I was.) I need a better (bigger) table in the corner beside it though, cause not everything I need within reach fits within reach. Actually I'd rather get healed and not have to deal with it. Going for that one.

So I determined to do the FlyLady zone mission. Reading the testimonials reminds me that my own problems are really quite minor and lots of people have to deal with much worse. And also I don't know how long this flare-up will last and I can't just let the house sink without a trace. However, the drawer that holds wraps and bags looks good. Two sizes of zip-locs, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, waxed paper, freezer bags. Masking tape and a jiffy marker for labeling stuff headed for the freezer. All good. By the time I'd swept the floor and done the dishes, that was enough FlyLadying for me.

It occurs to me that I may well spend a lot of time in my recliner this fall and I can't work on the computer from there. There's only so much tv and reading that need doing. Must think of a solution. I'm not fond of idleness. I munch my apple and contemplate...


Wendy said...

Lap top computer! It can travel with you to work and the recliner!

Valerie Comer said...

I wish! Next time one of my desktops dies, I'll be right on it. At the moment, hubby has the only laptop, and he takes it to and from work (out of town) so I can't count on it being around when I need it.

Both my computers are about three years old, so I imagine one of them will give up the ghost in the next couple years.