Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday, September 29

I couldn't believe my eyes when I woke up this morning. I'd sort of woken up around 6:30 but fallen back asleep and when I really woke up, it was quarter to nine!!!! I'd slept through the whole night, and then some. Wow.

So, in celebration, I went for a half hour bike ride. Time will tell whether that was a smart move or a dumb one, but I was in the mood for something a little farther afield than our little road. My bike allows me to sit quite upright, and I wasn't off-roading...

After my shower, I fixed two pieces of whole-grain toast which I had with margarine and a sliced banana, eating the last few plums...and now plum season is officially over.

Went upstairs, mocha in hand, to think about the Master Bedroom zone, which we've been concentrating on this week via FlyLady. I went through two drawers in my dresser and all of my closet (and hubby's) sorting things to keep, to toss, and to take to the thrift store. I loaded the bags to toss and donate into the truck. I cleaned up what I'd accomplished over the last week in magazine sorting, taking a stack to the truck for recycling. Decided to leave the books for another time. Stripped the bed and started the laundry. Vacuumed the stairwell and the whole upstairs. Realized that it was time to take the fans from upstairs out to the storage cabin for the winter, grabbing a couple of other things that fit that category while I was in the mode.

Then I washed the mirrors and a couple of the windows (remember I did the exteriors a couple weeks ago) and watered the plants.

Lunch time anyone? Fixed myself Glory Bowl and tried to make a menu for the week. I find that the most difficult organizational task and have never yet made and kept one for a full week.

Went into town for errands: dropped stuff at the thrift shop, the library, recycling depot, and the dumpster. Got water and my daughter's birthday present and stopped by the grocery store for a couple things we were out of.

When I got home I dumped all the chicken parts I'd found in the freezer into my large canner, topped it with about 4 gallons of water, and started it towards boiling. Then I curled up in the recliner with a library book, a handful of peas, and 2 Wasa crackers with garlic cream cheese. And a couple of Entrophen as the exertions of earlier caught up with me.

I picked green beans and sautéed them for supper with shrimp, and also had a salad. Talked to my kids on the phone while doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Now a little surfing and reading and back exercises before bed!


Jean said...

I'm exhausted just reading about this. What a productive day! Go Valerie!

Valerie Comer said...

LOL I was pretty tired too. Taking it easier today.