Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday, September 21

I still felt pretty good when I got up Friday morning. After my walk with my neighbor, I had my shower and a breakfast of porridge with apple and banana and yogurt. The mocha came to work.

I felt SO good that when a friend I rarely see called and asked if I'd like to go for lunch, I agreed. We went to my favorite *Quite GI Friendly* restaurant where I ordered a Thai chicken wrap with a side salad...and had a nice catch-up visit. Then I went to the rec center to sign Jim and I up for a class on making a Dichroic pendant with a silversmithed edging. It's a 3-hour class held on his birthday, and he really wanted to do this with me for his birthday gift. So it should be fun. He's already booked the shift off work.

Now that the weather is cooler and I'm out of wearing shorts, it occurred to me that I only had one pair of pants suitable for wearing to work (and two pairs of jeans). Those pounds I've gained? Yeah. They did it. So I went and bought two pair--one on sale and one from the thrift shop. Apparently my shorts weren't the same size as my pants, or I may have noticed the issues in time to do something about them. This is a bit of a bummer (insert haha here).

I also swung past a fruit stand and found one last container of cherries--huzzah!--and ditto of peaches. By the time I got home it was nearly four o'clock and I was exhausted. I spent half an hour on my back on the floor, then walked to the end of the road and back and debated supper.

The garden is pretty much done, too. We haven't had frost yet but it is imminent. Doesn't look like we got any butternut squash worth mentioning. Jim has two pumpkins, thankfully much smaller than last year. The zucchini has petered out. The corn didn't do well, and neither did the green beans. The tomatoes are the happiest things in the garden, and I don't own them--my sis-in-law and her hubby are responsible for them, though we've been fresh eating off them. I picked enough green beans for me for supper. If the frost keeps holding off, I may get another meal in a few days.

I sauteed up the green beans with two farmer sausages. The cherries I bought really weren't in very good shape, so I picked through and ate a lot of them over the evening, while watching too much *What Not to Wear* on TLC. It amuses me. Not enough to make a date with the tv, but...yeah. I also started reading HP7.

One more half hour stretch on the floor--this time with the kitty stretched out on my torso--and I headed for bed only to realize that I had done pretty much none of my evening routine. It was eleven o'clock--I just shut the lights off and went to bed, knowing I would regret it in the morning.


Jean said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. No evening routine does make the morning not so good.

It's less critical on Friday night, though (at least for me)

Valerie Comer said...

Thanks...I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been Friday. Maybe I subconsciously remembered I would be able to make it up in the morning?