Friday, November 02, 2007

Thursday, November 1

I did not start my day on the treadmill. I had to be in town a half hour early for a haircut and I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. For breakfast I chopped an apple up and had it with Fiber One and vanilla yogurt, took my mocha along.

Enjoyed a handful of soy nuts as a morning snack. Hubby was home at noon so I opened a jar of split pea soup and made toast (storebought whole-grain flax bread). Had peas and grapes for afternoon snack, and chocolate. I buy the Lindt Ecuador 75% cocoa; a bar lasts me five servings.

I was exceptionally tired after work but still made a big dinner (fridge was about out of leftovers and easies). Asian style coleslaw, garlic-roasted potatoes (hard to limit myself on those but I managed!), ground beef patties, and zucchini stirfry. And yes, it made a big mess in the kitchen and yes I cleaned it. Oy.

Read a bit, did no FlyLady missions, did no computer work. Spent half an hour on my back and went to bed early.

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