Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wednesday, July 11

Bleh, it is HOT around here.

Breakfast: yada yada (fruit salad, fiber one, vanilla yogurt, mocha)

I went to Aquafit this morning. It is a one hour workout and Wednesdays are deep-water aerobics with a belt to keep one afloat-ish. Intense! The temperature of the water is the perfect amount of cool. Too bad the instructor stands on the east side of the outdoor pool; even with my photo-grays on it is pretty bright. Still, a good workout. Gonna get rid of my pot belly this summer. I hope.

Lunch: I made bacon and eggs for Jim, but reheated tomato beef soup for myself and had two pieces of sunflower/flax bread toasted (margarine). Snack: peas, an apple, and 2 pieces of banana snack bars (from my forum). They're the last ones from the freezer so I guess I need to make more. Also I need to consider taking a snack to work in the mornings after Aquafit. I was starving.

After work we went straight up to the lake to cool off for about half an hour. I tried to practice some of the Aquafit stuff that I'm having trouble with--I'm SO unco-ordinated. When we got back we went straight into town so I could pick up groceries. Jim grabbed pizza and did the library run then came back to get me. don't do it that often. Four pieces (embarrassed sigh) of whole-grain crust, barbecue steak pizza. I even forgot to make salad for the side. It was kind of late so I didn't make a snack either.

I did clean the kitchen (talk about a perpetual motion machine) before bed, including FlyLady's task for the day, cleaning under the sink. That was good as Thursday is garbage day. I also washed the kitchen floor (while I was wiping anyway!) because it is Thursday's task and I was right there. And I won't be home on the weekend.

Yay camping! I told Jim all I care about is that we're high enough in the mountains that it cools off at night. He can pick which spot!

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