Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July10

The days are marching by, aren't they! Still, so far so good.

Let's see, I got up early for a bike ride before work. Not quite early enough for a long one, but I think I got in 35 minutes. I must add it's been quite a pleasure this past week waking up to a clean kitchen every single day.

Breakfast as usual: fruit salad, Fiber One, vanilla yogurt, mocha.

Lunch (you'd think I'd learn to plan ahead for lunch): an egg, a piece of bacon, cheddar on a whole-wheat sourdough roll. Peas and fruit salad for snack.

Today was a blistering hot day and when I got home from work hubby was done his field work for the day and wanted to go to the beach. I grabbed three stoned-wheat thins and smeared them with 95% fat-free cream cheese mixed with smoked salmon to tide me over till the late supper. We didn't swim all that hard, but paddled around in the coolth for about 45 minutes. It helped a lot to bring the core temperatures down to bearable.

Supper: Pan-fried sockeye salmon, brown rice blend, beets (butter), beet greens (butter).

So by this point it is 9:00 and no one has touched the kitchen since last night. It seems like everything is dirty, but I remembered that starting new habits isn't always easy and that it won't take long if I only just get started. So...I did it. The extra kitchen job for today (I looked it up this time!) was moving stuff and wiping every inch of counter. It prompted me to move a few things. Like the canning jars and tuna cans. Of course I just moved them back again, but the spot underneath has been wiped now.

Snack: strawberries and yogurt with some All-Bran sprinkled on. Then I washed those bowls too.

Whew. Staying on top is hard.


Jean said...

OK. YOu inspired me to empty the dishwasher and put the fresh dirty dishes into it -- just to clean out the sink. :)

Valerie Comer said...

Most excellent! I live to inspire.