Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wednesday, Augst 15

So on Wednesday I really thought about how my schedule differs when hubby is home. Yeah. I'm not making up the huge difference.

In the summer it's not too hard to get up that hour early and make sure I work out before work. What is sad that this was my last day of Aquafit. Why did I ever put off starting to go? I LOVE AQUAFIT!!!!! And I don't even know if we'll have our new indoor pool by next summer or if I'm cold turkey for a long time here. I'm sad!

I took my brekkie to work again: soaked oats, cherries, vanilla yogurt, 2 banana muffins and the famous mocha. (My mocha is actually just hot chocolate powder mixed into dark roast coffee--you can even buy sugar-free HC powder.) At lunch I made Glory Bowl and took peas to work for snack. I was out of cherries. I had a few pistachios and a granola bar. My boss brought in a bucket of plums so I had some of those, then at the end of the day he brought me a 20# box of cull cherries. I'd thought he'd bring them on Monday, but here it was Wednesday and we're leaving Friday morning for a week. So I gave a bunch of the cherries away and we'll still be eating them like crazy.

Wednesday was our last shot at the beach after work for this summer so we went. It wasn't as hot as it had been, and the water seemed cooler. But still it was fun. Came home, oven-baked chicken legs and sweet potato french fries and had carrot salad. Supper was nearly 8:00 (coming back to how my schedule differs when hubby's home!) and it was after 9 by the time I'd done the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and done my prep for Thursday. Banana milkshake time, and making lists of what needs doing and packing for the upcoming trip.

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