Wiki Answers gives an understandable definition for those of us who are not scientists:
The Scientific definition of metabolism is the rate in which the body makes or breaks chemical bonds.
Metabolism is the rate in which one's body burns off and utilizes calories. Everyone has a set metabolic rate that is typically determined by one's genetics. Yet, that rate can be changed through exercise which will increase one's metabolism. Generally speaking, one would hope to have a higher metabolic rate so that the consumed calories will burn off quicker and will not become fat in the process.
Hope to have a higher metabolic rate? I can assure you that mine has slowed in recent years. I've been thinking about metabolism a fair bit recently, trying to come to terms with the fact that my body seems to get used to levels of food and exercise, causing my rate to slow again. How can one jumpstart metabolism?
Again from Wiki Answers, there is a lot of basic information out there. This page gives ten basic bits of advice on metabolism that pretty much matches things I've read elsewhere.
1. Build lean body mass (this means strength training)
2. Aerobic exercise
3. Eat enough
4. Eliminate sugar
5. Eat breakfast
6. Include spicy food
7. Drink hot green tea
8. Drink water
9. Avoid stress
10. Get enough sleep
As you know, not all of those are completely controllable. And others are downright hard to control even if it's possible in theory. Is there anything else to the equation besides the above?
Jump Start Your Metabolism explains that our bodies don't use energy for every task equally. This page explains that there are three main factors: The rate at which your body uses energy for vital processes, such as breathing (i.e. your basal metabolic rate, or BMR); the rate at which you burn energy during physical activity; the rate at which you burn energy during food digestion (otherwise known as the thermogenic effect of food).
I've got a few thoughts of my own on metabolism that I'll be exploring here on and off over the next while as I have the time and the inclination to study and research what the experts say. Any questions or comments on metabolism? Anyone interested in learning about this with me?